Factors affecting all-optical clock recovery performance based onfiber-optical parametric oscillators
Graphical Abstract
The factors influencing the phase jitter and amplitude noise of clock signal extracted by the fiberoptical parametric oscillator (FOPO), such as the modulation rate, pump power and polarization state of the input signal and the fiber length, polarization rotation in the FOPO cavity, were experimentally investigated. Experimental results show that, the all-optical clock recovery based on the FOPO can handle the variation of 8.2 kHz modulation rate, 5 dB pump power, 20 azimuth of pump signal, 2 mm cavity length and 14 signal azimuth in the cavity when the root-mean-square (RMS) phase jitter of clock signal is less than 0.025 UI. It helps to further improve the performance of all-optical clock recovery based on FOPOs.